Free Delivery Over $39
Bestgspot' Sex Toys Make Your Fantasies Real

Plain Packaging Guaranteed

You'll be the only person excited about what's inside.

100% Discreet Shipping for Adult Toys


We understand how important it is that you receive your adult toy order discreetly. Your order will be shipped in a plain nondescript package with the return address simply stating the package is from Atlantic Innovations. Atlantic Innovations will also be the name you will see on your credit card statement. You will not see the name on your credit card statement, nor will you see the name printed on the outside of your shipping package. Also, no cat alogs will be mailed to your home.

Large Boxes

Larger items are sent in our plain, sturdy custom-made boxes to accommodate larger toys and board games.

Standard Boxes

Standard sized items are sent in small, plain brown box.

Plain Envelopes

Smaller items such as condoms are sent in plain, heavy-duty envelopes.

Discreet Labels

There are no brand markings on the back or side of your shipment. The only labels on the package are shipping labels, which list BestGSpot as 'LS bgs.'
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