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Sex Map: The (United) State of Pleasure in 2022

Sex Map: The (United) State of Pleasure in 2022-BestGSpot

Dive into the results of our 2022 global sex survey!


The passionate crew at Bestgspot are proud to call ourselves sex nerds.

Whether we’re engineering innovative technologies for new moan-worthy vibrator features or studying the state of society’s bedroom affairs, we believe that pleasure knowledge is pleasure power. And you, dear customers, are an integral part of how we learn!

To celebrate the new year and ponder how we can make this one even sexier than last, we dove into every inch of data 2022 provided. Take a gander at our recent findings for feisty trivia knowledge and sexual exploration inspiration!

Sex and Different Cities

Turns out your location can impact more than just the contents of your closet but your bedside table, too! Check out a few of our city-specific findings for sex in 2022 below, with paired product recommendations that let your libido travel the world!

Everything’s bigger in Texas, including butt plugs. Residents of Austin, TX, were top purchasers of inflatable butt plugs in 2022.

Famous for their public transit system and fast-paced lifestyles, it should come as no surprise that always-on-the-go New Yorkers in Manhattan bought the most wearable vibrators this past year.

Home to Hollywood and, therefore, many of the best porn performers in the biz, Los Angeles, CA, is no stranger to -ahem- close-up shots. Being intimately familiar with human anatomy, it makes sense that L.A. dwellers bought more realistic vagina masturbators than anywhere else in the states.

Sexual behavior in US cities

What’s on the Map for 2023

There’s lots to look forward to this year!

Sexual Mindfulness

The mindfulness craze popped up a few years ago and is still going strong (we love when healthy habits are in!), with the goal of being fully present extending to all parts of our lives, including the bedroom. So what does this mean for sex? People are less concerned with the big O, instead putting more focus on enjoying every aspect of their intimate experiences, whether a climax occurs or not.

Open Communication Regarding Fantasies

Gone are the days when sex and sexuality were taboo topics for new lovers (good riddance, shame and stigma!). Our survey found that 46% of respondents that identify as men and 38% of woman-identifying respondents talk about their desires and sexual fantasies within the first three months of courtship. Good on y’all! The more you know, the more you can explore.

Sex Tech

Cars and computers aren’t the only devices making the most of advancements in technology. From accompanying phone apps that control vibrators to VR-compatible strokers and everything in between, sex toys have come a long way since the stone age. And the people are here for it! Over half of our sexy survey takers (60%) reported they’re open to trying out app-enabled toys.


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